Articles on: macOS

How do I open files in Scriptation for Mac?

The easiest way to open files on your Mac or MacBook is to click Select File from Scriptation's home screen. It will open a Mac File Finder window, where you can select the PDF script or production document you'd like to open. A second way, like any other Mac application, is to go to File > Open.

You can also use Drag + Drop to open documents.

### Opening a PDF directly

If you'd like to open a file directly from your download, desktop, cloud storage, or any other folder, simply right click the file (or tap with two fingers on the trackpad) and select Open with ... Scriptation.
If Scriptation doesn't appear as an option, you can click Other to select Scriptation from your complete list of Applications.

Make PDF files open in Scriptation by default

If you'd like to double-click on a PDF and have it open in Scriptation, click Other (shown above), choose Scriptation, and then check the Always Open With box. Now all PDF files will automatically open in Scriptation.
# What's Next
How to sync files across devices with Cloud Storage
Selecting Annotations on Scriptation for Mac
Moving or copying local files to the cloud

Updated on: 22/11/2024

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