Articles on: Getting Started

The Annotation Toolbar

The Annotation Toolbar has these tools:

The toolbar will expand or contract depending on screen size and device orientation. If you don't see a tool icon you need, it might be combined with another tool's icon. These combination icons have a caret in the lower right corner.

Tool Functions

Text Marking

Text Highlight - highlight text
Underline - underline text
Squiggle - underline text with a squiggly line
Strikethrough - cross out text


Text - enter notes using a keyboard, Scribble, or voice
Note - insert a collapsible text note


Drawing - free write or draw with ink
Freeform Highlight - write or draw with a highlighter


Arrow - draw an arrow
Line - draw a line
Rectangle - draw a square or a rectangle
Ellipse - draw a circle or an ellipse


Image - insert an image
Sound - insert a recorded audio clip
Timecode - insert an annotation with the time of day (and an option for the date)


Stamps - use preset or custom stamps for frequently-used quick notes
Saved Annotations - insert previously-saved annotations

Removing Annotations

Eraser - erase ink annotations


Selection Tool - group selected annotations to merge into one movable shape or delete them all at once

Undo / Redo

Undo - erases the last change made
Redo - restores the last undone action

Apple Pencil

On / Off - toggles Apple Pencil for annotating


Hide - hides the toolbar and exits Annotation Mode
Toolbar Reposition - drag the Toolbar to the left, top or right of the screen:

What's Next

Why aren't the Annotation tools recognizing text in my script?
Using the Style Palette
How to hide/find the Top Menu

Updated on: 21/02/2025

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