The Annotation Toolbar
The Annotation Toolbar has these tools:
The toolbar will expand or contract depending on screen size and device orientation. If you don't see a tool icon you need, it might be combined with another tool's icon. These combination icons have a caret in the lower right corner.
Tool Functions
Text Marking
Text Highlight - highlight text
Underline - underline text
Squiggle - underline text with a squiggly line
Strikethrough - cross out text
Text - enter notes using a keyboard, Scribble, or voice
Note - insert a collapsible text note
Drawing - free write or draw with ink
Freeform Highlight - write or draw with a highlighter
Arrow - draw an arrow
Line - draw a line
Rectangle - draw a square or a rectangle
Ellipse - draw a circle or an ellipse
Image - insert an image
Sound - insert a recorded audio clip
Stamps - use preset or custom stamps for frequently-used quick notes
Saved Annotations - insert previously-saved annotations
Removing Annotations
Eraser - erase ink annotations
Selection Tool - group selected annotations to merge into one movable shape or delete them all at once
Undo / Redo
Undo - erases the last change made
Redo - restores the last undone action
Apple Pencil
On / Off - toggles Apple Pencil for annotating
Hide - hides the toolbar and exits Annotation Mode
Toolbar Reposition - drag the Toolbar to the left, top or right of the screen
What's Next?
Why aren't the Annotation tools recognizing text in my script?
Using the Style Palette
How to hide/find the Top Menu
Updated on: 03/12/2024
Thank you!