Articles on: Document Collaboration

Does Scriptation work with Shot Lister?

Now you can easily send your scripts and script revisions from Scriptation to Shot Lister and Shot Lister will seamlessly import all scenes and metadata and update any revisions. You can also easily navigate back and forth between the two apps making it super easy to reference specific scenes and notations.

Whether you’re a director, cinematographer, or AD, this integration will save you time, eliminate errors, and ensure your shot list is always up-to-date with the latest script changes.

Check out this video!

Importing a Script from Scriptation to Shot Lister

On your Mac or iOS device, open Shot Lister;
On that same device, open your script in Scriptation;
Open the Tagging section;
Select Reports, then choose Shot Lister:

Scriptation will automatically open Shot Lister; touch or click Import and your script will be imported, complete with metadata such as page numbers and scene details:

Navigating Between Shot Lister and Scriptation

In Shot Lister, select a scene and then touch or click the Information icon at the upper right; this will display information about the scene and an Open in Scriptation button for any projects that originated in Scriptation:

Clicking this button will open Scriptation to the exact page of the scene, facilitating easy reference and annotation;
This integration is also functional in Shoot Day Mode; touching or clicking the Scriptation icon in the scene header will will direct you to the exact page of the scene in Scriptation. This icon only appears for Shot Lister projects created from a Scriptation import.

Updating Shot Lister with New Script Revisions

Open the new script draft in Scriptation;
Use the Transfer feature to migrate annotations from the previous draft to the new one;
After transferring annotations, Scriptation will prompt you to update Shot Lister;
Confirm the update by selecting the relevant project in Shot Lister;
Shot Lister will then Add new scenes, Omit deleted scenes, and Update existing scene metadata to align with the latest script version.

What's Next

Creating Tagging Exports: Breakdown Summary & Element Report
How to Share Layers with Export
Can I add a custom category for tagging?

Updated on: 14/03/2025

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