Articles on: Transferring Notes

How do I Transfer my notes?

So you've made all of your notes on your script, but there's a new draft. Now what?

To learn more about Scriptation's Note Transfer feature, let's lay out a common scenario. You have a draft of a script which is marked up with all of your notes. Let's call it the Table Draft. And ding - that was your email alert - you just received a new script, the Shooting Draft, and need to Transfer all of your notes to it.

Start by opening the new draft in Scriptation.

While in the tab for the new draft, tap the Transfer button on the Top Menu.

Select the previous draft you want to transfer your notes from. For this example, we'll select "Revisions - Table Draft."

The Transfer Annotations window now appears, showing the cover pages of both the previous and new drafts, with an arrow pointing in the direction notes will be transferred.

Industry Pro users have three additional Pro Transfer options to choose from, which can turned on with the toggle switches.

Collate Pages: For note transfer and integration of new page packets, to be used in the absence of a fully collated script.
Compare Scripts: Compares both drafts, generating a scene-by-scene breakdown of script changes.
Transfer Bookmarks: Enables Bookmarks to be transferred into the new draft.

With your transfer selections made, it's time to start the transfer. Tap the blue box. (It will either say Next or Begin.) For users with a single layer of annotations, the transfer has already begun! Continue below at #7.

Users that have multiple layers of annotations will be taken to the Layer Selection window, where you can tap the checkboxes of the layer(s) you'd like to Transfer. When you're ready, tap Begin.

NOTE: Multi-Layer Transfer is an Industry Pro feature.

Transfer Results

The transfer will take a couple of seconds. When it's complete, you will get an overview of the results.

After reviewing the transfer overview, you can press OK to see a detailed summary of any Deleted Annotations caused by the rewrites.

NOTE: Actor Highlights are purposely designed to not transfer. Those should be toggled on in the new draft.

Boom. You're done! Now your notes are transferred into the new draft.

TIP: Seeing some little yellow sticky notes on your script? Those are Changed Annotation alerts, letting you know that script text that had annotations in the old draft, has been adjusted in the new draft.

What's Next?

My note transfer didn't work. Help!
Why didn't my Actor Highlight notes transfer?
I got a pop-up during Note Transfer. Do I tap Preserve or Delete?

Updated on: 16/08/2024

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