Articles on: Folders & Files

How does Scriptation handle file security?

Are my files secure within Scriptation?

We completely understand just how important file security is. Many of our users are working under NDAs, and on content-sensitive productions, where file security is of the utmost important.

Rest assured in knowing that Scriptation does not have access to any PDF files you annotate or read within the app. It doesn't matter whether the file is saved on your device or in the cloud - we can not access it.

This is because we are one of the only digital production applications that does not store personal data or files on our servers, nor do we have any independent server that syncs files. We leave that to the professionals.

NOTE: For Team and Team Studio users collaborating with Live Layers, annotation data is temporarily stored on our servers as a necessity of the sharing infrastructure. We do not store the PDF documents that are connected to the annotations. We use Amazon Web Services for this single task, the most trusted name in cloud computing.

Looking for advanced file security and document encryption? Learn more about Scriptation Team Studio.

What's Next

Is my personal data private within Scriptation?
Are my files saved automatically?
How often do files upload / sync to cloud?

Updated on: 16/08/2024

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