I'm a beta tester. How do I get started?
I'm a Scriptation beta tester. How do I download the app?
Thank you so much for being a Scriptation beta tester. Your comments and expertise are what allows us to continuously develop and improve the app.
First, you’ll receive an email inviting you to download the newest build. Tap the link to TestFlight.

Your download button will either say Install or Update. Tap the blue button.

If you receive a warning message - don’t worry - everything is safe, this works just like an app update. Tap install. Again - no app data will be deleted through this process.

Once the app is downloaded, tap Open.

With the beta installed, you can test out all of the new features, and if you have feedback on the new build, you can submit that through one of the methods here.
TIP: Should you need to return to the public App Store version because you are having an issue with the beta, no problem. Simply head back to the App Store and tap the cloud download icon to reinstall Scriptation.
REMINDER: Never the delete the app. All locally stored files will be deleted.
Thanks again for being a beta tester!
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Updated on: 19/11/2024
Thank you!