Some text has become garbled
If you've auto-highlighted characters or you transferred pages from another script (or some other operations as well) and afterwards some blocks of text are gibberish or strangely formatted, it's possible that the file was corrupted when it was exported as a PDF from the program in which it was written.
There's a quick test you can run to see if this is what happened: if you copy a line of text from a suspect PDF and paste it into a Scriptation text annotation or sticky note, if it's corrupted you'll see the text is garbled. If you copy and paste text from an uncorrupted PDF, the text should be correct.
If you do have a corrupted file, you'll want to see if you can get another original PDF copy of the script from whoever sent it to you, or if you created it, re-export as a PDF the original file from the program in which you wrote the script and see if that copy works better.
If you need further assistance, please send the original PDF file to us (if you can) so we can take a look. Please also indicate pages and paragraphs that you know are problematic so we can get to them quickly. Click the blue Send us an Email button at the bottom right of this screen and give us as much information as possible about the problem. Please include which version of Scriptation you're using, your operating system ( iOS or Mac) and where the file is stored (i.e. on your device or in a cloud storage service such as iCloud or Dropbox).
Importing and Opening Scripts in Scriptation
My PDF may have become corrupt
My note transfer didn't work
There's a quick test you can run to see if this is what happened: if you copy a line of text from a suspect PDF and paste it into a Scriptation text annotation or sticky note, if it's corrupted you'll see the text is garbled. If you copy and paste text from an uncorrupted PDF, the text should be correct.
If you do have a corrupted file, you'll want to see if you can get another original PDF copy of the script from whoever sent it to you, or if you created it, re-export as a PDF the original file from the program in which you wrote the script and see if that copy works better.
If you need further assistance, please send the original PDF file to us (if you can) so we can take a look. Please also indicate pages and paragraphs that you know are problematic so we can get to them quickly. Click the blue Send us an Email button at the bottom right of this screen and give us as much information as possible about the problem. Please include which version of Scriptation you're using, your operating system ( iOS or Mac) and where the file is stored (i.e. on your device or in a cloud storage service such as iCloud or Dropbox).
What's Next
Importing and Opening Scripts in Scriptation
My PDF may have become corrupt
My note transfer didn't work
Updated on: 01/02/2025
Thank you!