Articles on: Annotations

How do I change the Order of annotations?

Annotations hiding behind other another? Learn to adjust Order.

By default, annotations appear with the newest on top. Sometimes it helps to adjust this placement when trying to arrange annotations in a custom stack.

For this example, we have two annotations. A Text Box and a Circle. We want the Text Box to be in front of the Circle, but currently it's placed behind. Here's how to adjust...

On the Text Box, tap Inspector.

Then under the Order heading, there are 4 options.

From left to right, the options are:
Bring to Front
Bring Forward
Send Backwards
Send to Back

Tap the left icon for Bring to Front.

TIP: Still not working? Be sure to deselect any active annotation tools.

NOTE: Inspector > Order only appears for Text Boxes, Shapes, and Marker notes. To adjust Stamps and Photos, manually tap and drag the from within the Annotation Outline.

What's Next

Using Scribble on iPad
What are Layers and how do I use them?

Updated on: 14/09/2024

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