Articles on: Getting Started

In-App Notifications... what are they and where can I find them?

Scriptation's Notification Center. Where is it and what can you find there?

The Notification Center is the place we can alert you to new and exciting things in and about Scriptation. On top of that, it is also a space for us to learn more about you, and what would make Scriptation work even better for you.

Where is it?

You can find the Notification Center by tapping or clicking on the three lines in the upper left corner to open the Document Picker.

Then, at the bottom of the page you will see a bell icon next to the Version Number. Tap or click to access the Notification Center.

What can I find in the Notification Center?

You can find many different types of information about:

New releases
Updated and new features
Upcoming events and webinars
Scriptation Showcase announcements
User surveys and other ways to give feedback

What's Next

How can I share my notes or email my file?
Inserting Photos and Images into your script
How to hyperlink to audio, video, websites, and pages

Updated on: 11/02/2025

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