Articles on: Live Layers

What are Live Layers, and how do I get set up?

Sharing layers within a Scriptation Team? Welcome to Live Layers.

Live Layers is a powerful feature which allows Team and Team Studio users to instantly share layers within their team.

Imagine this... You are on set as the 1st AD. You just received an important change, and you need to alert the rest of the team. You quickly annotate in your script, tap Share - and boom - your group got a notification, and the update.

Here's how to get started...

With your script already open, tap Layers on the Top Toolbar.

The Layers window will show all Layers that you have created so far.

TIP: Be sure to give your Layers descriptive names so it will be easier for your team to identify them once shared. To rename your layer tap ... and then, Rename.

At the bottom of the Layers window, toggle on Live Layers.

Creating a Layer Group

If you are the first person within your team to use Live Layers with a specific document, you'll automatically be presented with a pop-up to Customize Name for your Layer Group.

You'll also have the option to make your Layer Group private.

When you are ready, tap Create.

If Make Group Private was selected, enter a Group Password and tap Create.

TIP: Be sure to write down your password somewhere safe to distribute to your team! There is not a way to retrieve or change the password later.

With your Live Layers now enabled, learn to Share Your Live Layer.

Joining an existing Layer Group

After enabling Live Layers, you'll be presented with a pop-up box showing the existing Layer Groups.

From here, you can either select an existing Layer Group, or tap the New icon in the upper right corner to create a new Layer Group. (See instructions above for creating a new Layer Group.)

TIP: Sometimes you may also see a Show More button. When Scriptation processes your script for Live Layers, it analyzes two things - Page Count and File Name.

If the Page Count and File Name match another Live Layers file within your team, the existing Live Layers Groups appear in the top section.

If the Page Count is the same as other Live Layer files, but the File Name is different, then the appropriate Live Layers Groups appear in the Show More section.

If you select any of the existing Live Layer Groups, you'll then be presented with a Confirmation Box. Tap Yes.

If your Layer Group is password protected, enter the password, and tap OK.

TIP: The creator of your password protected Layer Group will have the password needed for access.

Now that you are in a Layer Group, you are ready to start Sharing Live Layers! Keep reading on.

Sharing Live Layers

Before you start to collaborate with Live Layers, it's important to understand that there are 3 different types of Layers.

Private: A layer that is not shared with anyone.

Owned: A layer that you originate and share with your Layer Group. You control the content and when the layer is shared.

Received: A layer that you receive from a team member within your Layer Group. Your teammate controls the content and when the layer is shared. This is a read-only Layer.

Sharing an Owned Layer

To begin Sharing a layer, click the ... to the right of the Layer name, and then tap Share.

TIP: If you would like to include a brief message to your recipient alongside the Layer, tap Share + Notes instead.

NOTE: Be sure to give your Layers descriptive names so it will be easier for your team to identify them. To rename your layer tap Rename.

Scriptation then processes your layer and shares within your Layer Group. You can tell that your Layer shared successfully because the Layer now says (owner / synced v1). The version number of your Layer will update every time you tap Share.

Repeat for as many Layers as you would like!

To see what happens when you Receive a Layer, keep reading.

Receiving a Layer

Whenever a collaborator within your Layer Group shares their Live Layer, you will receive a pop-up message.

To receive the Layer, tap Yes.

TIP: If you are busy working and don't want to receive the Layer right now, tap NO. The circular Refresh icon on the bottom of the Layers window will allow you to catch up later with any notifications you may have missed.

Back in your Layers menu, you can tell that your Layer was received successfully because the Layer says (synced v1). The version number of the Layer will update every time you receive an update from the Layer owner.

Now all you need to do view your Received Layer.

From the Layer window, either tap the Received Layer to view that layer as your active layer, or toggle on the layer to view it in the background alongside the Layer you are currently in.

When viewing a Received Layer, the top of the page is marked in a grey box with the name of the Layer.

Keep in mind, Received Layers are view-only, but a separate editable copy can be created by tapping "Make Editable Copy".

What's Next

Uses and Tips for Live Layers
How to Show/Hide Layers
How do I transfer my Notes?

Updated on: 18/09/2024

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