Articles on: Annotations

How to remove annotations

To remove these annotation types...

shapes (ellipse and rectangle)
images and audio clips
stamps sure that none of the tool icons in the Annotation toolbar are selected, touch or click the annotation to bring up the horizontal menu and choose the Trash icon:

On a Mac, you can also right-click / Control + click / 2-finger trackpad touch and choose Delete:

To remove the ink annotations (the drawing tool and the freeform highlight tool), be sure that none of the tool icons in the Annotation toolbar are selected, choose the Eraser and mark over the annotation to be removed.
| TIP: You can adjust the size of the eraser by touching or clicking its dot in the toolbar and moving the slider:

What's Next

I can't find the Eraser tool. Where is it?
Learn how to Undo/Redo actions
How to Free Draw or Write

Updated on: 13/02/2025

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