Articles on: Cloud Storage

I got a pop-up when opening a cloud file. Do I tap Restore or Delete?

I got a message saying my file was Removed or Renamed on the cloud server. Now what?

When opening a file from cloud storage, users will occasionally receive a message asking to Restore or Delete.

This message only appears if the file you are opening was renamed, rellocated, moved to a sub-folder, or deleted from your cloud folder from outside of Scriptation on your current device.

The purpose of this message is to alert you that Scriptation's locally saved copy of your cloud file does not match what your cloud provider has stored. In other words, it allows you to protect your work.

But which should I select?

TIP: The safest option is to click Restore.

By tapping Restore, Scriptation will create a new file within your cloud folder of exactly the version of the file that was last locally saved to your device.

By tapping Delete, the local copy of your file will be permanetly deleted. Select this option only if you are certain that you have a more current version of your file in another location.

After selecting either option, it's best to manually refresh your cloud folders, by dragging your finger down within the File Browser. This forces a manual sync, and displays the Loading Content message.

What's Next

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How do I use Compare Scripts
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Updated on: 16/08/2024

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