How do I export / share my script with just one layer?
I want to send my script with one layer to a collaborator. How can I do it?
For collaborators who use Scriptation (Shares notes on Native Pages only)
If the recipient is also working with of the same script file as you, you can Export the Layer as a Scriptation Layer File (.slf). Then the recipient can easily Import the Layer into their own script, and can view your notes alongside their own.
NOTE: When a Layer is shared as an SLF file, only annotations on Native script pages are shared. Annotations on Added Pages, Facing Pages, or Copied/Pasted Pages are not. This restriction allows for the successful sharing / exporting of Layers between teams working on the same script, as any added pages are personalized to each individual user.
For all other collaborators (or to Share notes on All Pages)
To begin, tap the Layers icon to display the Layers menu.

Tap the ... next to the layer you'd like to share, and tap Export as PDF.

Now select your method of sharing or exporting your .pdf file. You can export your file via Mail, Gmail, AirDrop, as well as many other messaging apps that can have file attachments.

What's Next
What are Live Layers?
How to Show/Hide Layers
How to Merge Layers
Updated on: 14/02/2025
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