Articles on: Tips & Tricks

How do I see my whole script page?

Learn how to make your full script page visible without any toolbars in the way

After opening a script and starting to take notes, script header information, such as page number or scene number may sometimes be hidden by the Top Toolbar, Annotation Bar, and Thumbnail Bar. There are a few different ways to resolve.

1. Extended Zoom Out

The best way to see your entire script page is by using Extended Zoom Out.

With a two-finger pinch in on your script page, more of the page will be shown. By default, the zoom resets after changing pages, but if you'd like to maintain the same zoom sizing across your entire script, adjust the Page Transition setting to Continuous.

2. Top/Bottom Toolbars

To hide the Top Toolbar and bottom Thumbnail Bar, deselect any active Annotation tool and single tap your finger on any empty area of the page. When you do that, the Annotation Bar will remain shown if it was previously selected.

To have these toolbars revealed again, single tap your finger on any empty area on the page again.

3. Thumbnail Bar Settings

In addition to its show/hide link to the Top Toolbar, the Thumbnail Bar can also be changed to a docked position, or turned off entirely.

To change the view, head to the Settings menu.



4. Annotation Bar

The Annotation Bar can be moved to three positions on your screen, or closed entirely.

To move the Toolbar, tap and hold the double line icon. The toolbar will hover, and you will be able to drag and place it on the Top, Left or Right of the screen.

To close the Annotation Toolbar, Tap the X icon.

To bring back the Annotation bar, tap the Annotate icon.

TIP: Still having trouble? Please update Scriptation, and power off/power on your device.

What's Next

How do I hide/find the Annotation Toolbar
How do I use Sticky Notes?
Viewing and Searching your Annotations

Updated on: 27/02/2025

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