Articles on: Layers

I'm missing all of my layers

If there are annotations in your document that are not assigned to a specific layer, it can appear that the work is gone.

Your work is very likely still there.

The most common scenario is that a script has been edited in another program and then brought back into Scriptation -- Scriptation doesn't know where to place the annotation(s).

However, Scriptation has a backstop built in that may have your work. If you open a script and annotations are missing, you should check to see if there's a Lost Layer that has the material you need.

Important -- if possible, avoid using other programs to annotate a script before bringing it into Scriptation. Even with the Lost Layers system, Scriptation may not always be able to render those annotations correctly.

Make a copy of the script:

A. Touch or click the 3-dot menu next to the file name;
B. Choose Copy;
C. Touch or click Select to make a local copy;
D. Change the file name to something appropriate (e.g. "'File Name' - copy" or something similar).

Open the copy of the script;
From the Top Menu bar, choose layers. You may see only one layer:

Touch or click the 3-dot menu at the upper right of the Layers sidebar and choose Duplicate:

You may now see one or more Lost Layers:

Touch or click the closed eye to show the Lost Layer and see if it has the annotations you need:

You can also see which annotations are in the Lost Layer by touching or clicking the Outline (the open book) icon on the Top Menu. The right tab shows the Annotation Outline.

After reviewing the contents of your Lost Layer, you may want to Merge it back into another Layer.

Alternatively, if you see that the annotations within the Lost Layer are no longer needed, or are copies of annotations contained in another layer, you can delete the layer.

If This Doesn't Work

If you have trouble running these instructions or need assistance with the process, we're here to help. Just email us by clicking the blue button at the bottom right of this page. Please be sure to attach your script and include any pertinent information that'll help us solve the problem.

What's Next

Building custom icons to create overheads
How do I Transfer my notes?
How to add Facing Pages to your script

Updated on: 14/02/2025

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