All Admins
First-time Sign in and Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Activating your Enterprise Admin Account for the first time.Few readersLogging into the Scriptation Enterprise Portal
How to access your Enterprise Admin Portal.Few readersInviting Users to your Enterprise
How to Invite Users to your Enterprise If you are an Enterprise or Production Admin, you can generate automated emails that include a One-Time Link (OTL) for users to log their Devices into a specific Production within your Enterprise. These OTLs can be used on both iOS and macOS devices. This bypasses the need to provide each user with the Enterprise and Production Codes. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click "Productions" in the sideFew readersRemote Device Deactivation
Remote Device Deactivation Enterprise Admins and Production Admins may instantly and remotely deactivate a device's access to Scriptation Enterprise. Deactivating a Device 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click "Productions" in the side menu. (,0&brpx=256,204&sharp=0.8&width=560Few readersResetting your Enterprise Portal Password
Changing Your Portal Password Changing the password you use to access the Scriptation Enterprise Portal can be done quickly in just a few steps. To use these instructions, you must be logged into the Portal and know your current Portal Password. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click on your User Icon in the upper right corner of the portal. ( readersSetting Production Level Permissions
Setting Production Level Permissions Enterprise Admins and Production Admins may set Permissions across the entire Production that will affect all devices within their Production. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click "Productions" in the side menu. (,0&brpx=258,205&sharp=Few readersSetting Device Level Permissions
Setting Device Level Permissions Enterprise Admins and Production Admins may set Permissions for each individual Device within a Production. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click "Productions" in the side menu. 3. Click on the Production naFew readers
Enterprise Admins
Generating One-Time Links (OTLs) for Devices (Enterprise Admin Only)
How to Create a One-Time Link (OTL) for Devices (Enterprise Admin Only) As an Enterprise Admin, you can generate One-Time Links that can be sent to users to log their Devices into a specific Production within your Enterprise. These OTLs will work on both iOS and macOS Devices and bypass the need to send the Enterprise and Production Codes to each user. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click on the Productions icon on the side menu.Few readersSetting Enterprise Level Permissions (Enterprise Admin Only)
Setting Enterprise Level Permissions (Enterprise Admin Only) Enterprise Admins may set Permissions across the entire Enterprise that will affect all Productions and Devices within their Enterprise. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click "Productions" in the side menu. (,0&brpx=Few readersAdd a new Production Admin (Enterprise Admin Only)
Add a new Production Admin (Enterprise Admin Only) As an Enterprise Admin, you can add additional Production Admins to manage individual Productions within your Enterprise. This could be a Production Coordinator, APOC, or any other position managing access to Scriptation for that Production. Production Admins can only modify Permissions and Devices for the single Production they are assigned to. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click onFew readersAdd a new Production (Enterprise Admin Only)
Add a new Production (Enterprise Admin Only) As an Enterprise Admin, you can add as many Productions up to the set limit for your Enterprise. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click on the Productions icon on the side menu. *3. Click "+ Add".Few readersHow to Edit, Reset a Password for, and Disable/Enable a Production Admin (Enterprise Admin Only)
How to Edit, Reset a Password for, and Disable/Enable a Production Admin (Enterprise Admin Only) Enterprise Admins can modify the Production Admin accounts in three ways: by editing their profile, resetting their password, or disabling/enabling their account. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click "Admins" in the side menu. ( readersOverride & Un-override Device Level Permissions (Enterprise Admin Only)
How do I Override or Un-override Permissions for a Single Device? As an Enterprise Admin, you can override permissions set at either the Enterprise or Production Level for each individual device. 1. Navigate to the Enterprise Portal in your web browser and sign in. 2. Click "Productions" in the side menu. (,0&brpx=26Few readers