Articles on: Getting Started

An Overview of the Top Toolbar

The Top Toolbar is your main access point to all of Scriptation's features and functions.
The Top Toolbar icons are:

File Browser - storage of files and folders, both locally and in the cloud

Layers - create, view, and share separate layers with groups of your annotations
Highlight - toggle on/off highlights for characters’ lines
Annotate - turns on the Annotation Toolbar
Transfer - initiate a note transfer between documents
Tagging - break down a script and create reports for your team
Read - display scripts in an enlarged, reader-friendly view
Rehearse - assign voices to characters for readback and then run your lines with them
Record - learn and rehearse your lines, then create a video recording of your performance
Lining - automatically create tramlines, and export reports
Analyze - use secure AI to compare two drafts and have the changes explained to you

NOTE: The Top Toolbar can only hold a certain number of icons, and this can depend on the size and orientation of your device. See this article for information on customizing the Top Toolbar.

Share - send your marked up scripts via email, text, shared drive, etc
Search - search for keywords within script text or in annotations
Bookmark - earmark pages to access them quickly
Outline - scan through bookmarked pages and annotations in a list
Page Maker - add single blank pages, facing pages, or create sides

NOTE: Top Toolbar customization is device-specific and can be fully customized separately on each device.

What's Next?

How to hide/find the Top Menu
An Overview of the Annotation Toolbar
How to Add and Move pages with the Page Maker

Updated on: 19/12/2024

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