Scriptation Support
Can I turn off the three dots on the top of my iPad?
How do I check which Apple ID is logged into my device?
What is a Flattened PDF?
My iCloud isn't syncing properly
How do I cancel or unsubscribe from Industry Pro?
How do I use Master Edit Mode?
I accidentally deleted my script.
Is Scriptation available for Windows or Android?
How to restore your device from iCloud backup
What if I have the legacy Windows Scriptation app, but also other Apple devices?
Unable to Display Document message? Here's how to recover your file.
I can't find missing notes. What can I do?
I'm having trouble with Text Boxes on Mac
How does Scriptation handle watermarks?
Why aren't the Annotation tools recognizing text in my script?
How is the legacy Windows version different from Scriptation for Apple?
I'm getting an Invalid Receipt error message. Help!
How to fix an incorrect Note Transfer
Should I Delete and Reinstall Scriptation?
The Pen tool keeps overwriting my notes!
What if I have feedback or suggestions about the app?
Can I have multiple accounts on the same device?
Scriptation is running slowly or crashing.
Scriptation keeps crashing on launch (iPad or iPhone)
Cloud Sync isn't Working Across Devices
I'm accidentally erasing my notes with my palm or Apple Pencil.
iCloud disabled message? Here's how to enable it.
I have a conflicted copy. What do I do now?
Camera photos aren't saving to Photo Library. Help!
Why didn't my marker Highlights transfer to my new draft?
Why is my pricing different?
Is my personal data private within Scriptation?
Why did my files automatically close?
My PDF may have become corrupt. What can I do?
How do I manage my individual Scriptation account?
Why don't I have Live Layers?
My iPad broke! Are my files backed up?
No Native Pages Detected message? Here's what to do next.
Transfer put my old script in the back of my new script? Help!
My script is jumping pages. What can I do?
Scriptation on my Mac crashes on launch
My keyboard is tiny. Help!
My pages won't turn with Curl. Help!
Why are my Highlights different across devices?
I can't Import Screenshots or Images using the Photo Annotation Tool. Help!
More Icons and Customizing the Top Toolbar
I opened my Scriptation PDF in another app and lost my notes.
My Apple Pencil icon is gone or the Pencil no longer works
Annotations in older versions of Scriptation don't appear in Scriptation 5 (or vice versa)
How can I change Scriptation's language?
Some text has become garbled
How to Take a Screenshot
Restoring a file from cloud storage